Saturday 27 March 2021


An uneducated farmer My father Mr. CHINNAPPAN. KULANDAI SAMY (Sr. Lourdu Mary. FMA., Arockia Chinnappa Raj's father / Fr. A. C. Savarimuthu's elder brother), who took the yoke of his father at the
age of 8 and worked hard for his siblings

and made them to grow, has passed
away on 22nd March,  2021 @ 10: 15 PM IST
at the age of 78.

He worked very hard for his 8 children to give education to
all the children and made 4 teachers (including a NUN who was the first
born),  2 IT Professionals.  He was able to fight with cancer and survived
6 and a half year.  GOD called him on
22nd to him, so he left this world and went to the new eternal world.



My father Mr. C. KULANDAI SAMY, was born on 14th
January, 1943 as the eldest son.

Being the eldest son from his tender age he worked  hard with his parents to bring up the family
and to educate his younger ones. He never entered the school, sacrificed his
whole life for the sake of his siblings and his children. All he knew in his
life is hard work and sacrifice.

 My father is a holy man who had strong faith in God. His sacramental
piety and Marian devotion are very inspiring.  He never missed the daily Mass even in his
sickness and old age. He believed that God's will be fulfilled always. He had a
great devotion to our Blessed Mother. He was generous to  contribute for the growth of the Church and
insisted his children too, to be generous towards God and the church.

He was very generous towards the poor and needy. Even if he
doesn't have, he will try to contribute for the poor. He had a forgiving
heart.  He was the first one to go and
make peace with the people who fought with him, cheated him and had some
misunderstanding. . He was very much interested in Madha TV. He believed that
God's kingdom spread through that. So he was generous to contribute for the
growth of it and influenced others too to contribute. In his daily rosary he
used to pray for the Church from Holy Father to all those who dedicate their
life to God and for the spreading of God's kingdom, from the Universal church
to the needs of the local church, for all those who have asked of his prayers,
for his own children to grow in strong faith and lead an exemplary life, for
the vocation in the church and in the family, for the poor and needy.

He often used to say we will never take anything with us
when we die except the good works that we have done. Let us do only good even
to those who harm us. He was grateful to God always. Even in his sickness he
never grumbled. He always said " His will be done." He found joy and fulfilment
in helping the poor and needy. He was very generous towards them. He liked to
establish relationship with all. He was friendly with everyone.

He was an active member in the church. He was a member of
Parish council for many years. In involved himself actively in the local church
and worked hard for its growth. Even when he was sick he was asking about the activities
of the Church and giving his own suggestions to the parish councillors what
could be done.

As he lived, he died peacefully and serenely on 22nd March,
2021 at 10.15 PM IST
pronouncing the name of Jesus and Mary. He was grateful to
his children for having taken care of him well. He expressed many times you are
all taking care of me nicely. He endured all his pains silently. He never
showed his sufferings nor grumbled.

Even in his pain he said God's will be done. He lived a holy
life and so had a holy death surrounded by his children. We sure that he is
already enjoying heaven.

Let us continue to pray for him.


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